Friday, December 5, 2008



Denys Lombard (2005) said that ibn Hurdadbeh (885M), Bozorg ibn Shahryar (956M) and many astronomic visitors called the island as “Javaga” in Arabic text and years after as part of Nederland’s Hindi. A German Professor Adolf Bastian (1884) then adopted the Republic of Indonesia in means of his language “Indonesia oder die Insel des Malayschen Archipels” but before in 1848 J. R. Logan of England used this word Indonesia for the first time through his words “customs common to the hill tribes bordering on Assam and those of the Indian archipelago”. Yes, as Logan and Bastian said, it was often applied to the entire Malay Archipelago, now days daughter of an Indonesian nations father Meutia Hatta, Ph. D. said that entire the islands brought their multiculturalism or Bhinneka as reality (das Sein) of the Republic of Indonesia, but in the name of one nation Tunggal Ika it was an abstractions idea (das Sollen) of these world class cultures (Kompas, Meutia Hatta, March 26, 2006, page 2).

All goals of this idea, that Nusantara or RI which were 17 504 islands, 1 068 ethnic groups with spoken all population at least 665 languages has cultural strategy in a multicultural united nation, unity in diversity as written in Chapter 32, National Law (UUD) 1945. By the reality in the other hand Javaga located in the middle of Nusantara which wide continent between Istanbul in Turkey to London in Europe and stay in the island about 140 Mio populations. That was the fact, Java still visited from all over the Nusantara territorial and of cause stayed the many groups of those multicultural ethnic, such Javanese, Balinese, Maduranese, Sundanese, Tenggeres, Baduy, Mandar, Banjar, Minang, Sasaknese of Lombok and parts of Indonesian people which they active in works and studies.

Few years before the were Javanese Kingdoms from Kaling (674M), Syailendra Budha (800-856M) we know a monumental Borobudur, Mataram Hindu (772-882M) of Prambanan temple, then Medang of King Empu Sendok (929-948M) to Kahuripan (1037M), Singh sari (1042-1292), then Majapahit (1293-1528) and Pajang (1568-1586). Javanese Kingdom in Year 1586 M. called as Mataram Islam began their superior class of modern Javanese aristocrat in Surakarta dan Yogyakarta (1755-now). In the same historical back ground Budhism came the first to Japan in 6 Century through Ambasador King Korea has visited Kaisar Kimmei Tenno (Hadiwijono,1989) and Prophet Muhammad SAW born Year 571M in Mecca, Saudi Arab.

Budhist Priest I Tsing from China had visited Kaling near Kuwu Middle-Java to translate Budha Holly Book. Cause of religion mission, for long time ago Javaga has prestigious harbor laying there a traditional trade all over the wolrd, it means many foreigners has had big contact to the kingdoms. The lates these economic contact more social and cultural insight after married Prince “Dara Petak” of Campa with King Majapahit, her resting place in Trowulan the east side of Javaga, year 1448 and understood as multiphase of ethnic grave between Java and others. []

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